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All Nautilus Hysosung Halo II, 2700CE, 2700T, 5200, 4000W, Genmega 2500, Onyx, Onyx W, C6000, GT3000, GT5000, Hantle 1700W, C4000, T4000 and Coingoat ATMs are internet capable or phone capable; and we can do custom graphics on the screen of each ATM for you. To make this happen, we would get the information from you prior to beginning the ATM installation process.
We also offer online monitoring, where you are able to log in to our website and see what the cash balance of the ATM is, how much money the ATM machine has dispensed that month, see surcharged revenue earned, and more We can also set up for e-mail or text message alerts in the event the cash balance is getting low, if there is a bill jam or any other error where the ATM is currently not in service! This is an excellent feature to make sure the ATM is operational 100% of the time!

When you buy an ATM machine, you are responsible for loading the ATM with your own funds — usually a denomination of $20.00 bills. The ATM’s business day is from 3pm Eastern to 3pm Eastern. So any monies that were dispensed within the ATM’s business day will be deposited to your specific bank account the next day. For Example, any monies withdrawn from the ATM between Monday 3pm to Tuesday 3pm would deposit to your bank account on Wednesday morning.
The surcharge or the Fee you choose can be deposited to your bank account daily or monthly. Most merchants choose monthly as you will have one large deposit by the 10th business day of the following month. We have found it is easier to track your true income that way instead of small amounts each day throughout the month.
Example: If you choose to charge $3.00 and you do 200 surcharged withdrawals for the month of December you would make the following: $3.00 x 200 Surcharged withdrawals = $600.00.The deposit of $600.00 would deposit by the 10th business day of January.
**Choose our extended warranty which includes Free ATM Paper, Free ATM Parts, and Free ATM Maintenance for as long as you own your ATM machine. This is an optional feature that we provide, however, it comes in handy in the event that there are any ATM service issues.
Once the decision has been made, the forms listed on our website will need to be completely filled out and signed and faxed back to us.
- W9 filled out completely
- Carolina ATM Processing Agreement Signed in all places and returned.
- ACH Authorization with cancelled check (where we deposit your money back to)(cannot be a starter check)
- Bank sponsorship agreement completely filled out Section A & B Only (Signed twice) (this is for the person responsible of loading the ATM or the owner)(If any owner has more than 10% ownership they will need to fill out this document)
We at Carolina ATM are confident you will be happy with our ATM services while optimizing your income! We look forward to earning your business and speaking with you soon! Please call us to discuss any questions you may have!
Free training
Free online monitoring
Free 1yr warranty on parts
Free on-screen and receipt advertising
Free 24-hour customer support
Free monthly statements
Nationwide service
Low balance alerts via text and email
Daily surcharge fees
Free ATM Stickers for business
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][ultimate_heading main_heading=”OUR #1 SELLER” heading_tag=”h3″][/ultimate_heading][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1494112125482{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][ultimate_heading main_heading=”OUR MOST POPULAR MODEL” heading_tag=”h4″][/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text]- Genmega 2500 (STAND UP)
- Base Price: $2,175 Price
- Includes:
- 1000 Note Removable Cassette
- Dial Lock
- EMV Card Reader
- Popular Optional Equipment:
- E-Lock
- Low Topper
- High Topper
- Camera
- Bill Presenter
- 10.2 LCD Touch Screen